Foundation Anti-Wrinkle Injections Training


Includes forehead, crows feet, frown lines

This foundation anti-wrinkle course will give you the knowledge and practical skills needed to perform anti-wrinkle treatments. On this course you will learn how to assess the musculature and anatomy of the face to determine the individual treatment plan per client (as every face is different and what works for one, may not work for another); learn the current trends as well as complications and risks.  You will learn how to treat the forehead (wrinkles), frown lines (between the eyebrows) and crows feet (fine lines around the eyes). This course is commonly booked with our Foundation Dermal Filler training course.

You will be able to see a live demonstration before performing your own closely supervised, hands-on treatment. We will provide live models for the training day and you will be able to practise in each of the treatment areas. It is possible to bring along your own model if preferred but please contact us to discuss this first.

Post-course advice and support are always available.


What will you learn?

  • Consultations
  • Consent forms
  • Suitability
  • Medical forms
  • Product information
  • Treatment information
  • Before & Afters
  • Injection techniques for frown lines, forehead & crows feet
  • Safety & Hygiene
  • Risks, side effects, complications
  • Realistic expectations
  • Prescribing information
  • Aesthetic Insurance
  • Aftercare
  • Legality
  • A lot of practice.

PLEASE NOTE: Products for Anti-Wrinkle Treatments are a prescription-only medicine and you will require a prescriber to prescribe this for each client. This is something we can advise and support you with.